Good To Grow
Saturdays at 11:15am
Gardening in the El Paso Southwest has always been a challenge. Enthusiasts have to contend with a variety of problems: scarce annual rainfall, less than ideal soil composition, and extreme temperatures among others. But southwestern gardening aficionados always seem to find a way to keep our desert blooming, beautiful and fruitful.
Each Saturday, Good to Grow will answer the many questions gardeners may have about plants, growing conditions, and proper care for El Paso’s varied gardens.
Good to Grow won 1st place in the annual Texas Master Gardener Conference in 2010.
Helpful Links:
El Paso County Master Gardners
Monthly Gardening Tips
El Paso Master Gardners Facebook
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise and Jan will also dive into the world of affordable and long-lasting Christmas gifts for our fellow gardeners in all levels of expertise.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise, Jan and John will go through part 2 of their Winter Prep for your Plants episode.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise and Jan will talk with a special guest, Dr. Kimberly Cervantes, a horticulture specialist with an emphasis in pecans and the newest member of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in El Paso.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise, Jan and John will go through part 1 of their Winter Prep for your Plants episode.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise and John will talk about fall vegetable planting and the nursery plants available to plant and decorate your front and backyard area to last until Thanksgiving.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise, Jan and John will talk about different varieties of desert trees that can be planted in our region and how to care for them during the fall season.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise, Jan and John will talk about your gardening checklist for the Fall and how you should prepare your plants and lawn for the cooler temperatures.
On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise and Jan and a special guest, Eduardo Rascon will talk about back to school but Master Gardeners' style.
Denise, John and Jan present a special new segment ‘What’s Growing On’ on KTEP in this week’s Good To Grow
Denise, John and Jan talk about container gardening on KTEP in this week’s Good To Grow.