Tim talks with Elijah Burrell, author of the poetry collection, "The Skin of the River." This is Eli's first collection, and water and landscape play an important role in the poems, which have a narrative link. Eli's mother was very ill when he was writing these poems, and he explains how the theme of spirituality erupts in the collection's "Plague Songs," which depict Old Testament plagues such as frogs, fire, and lice set in modern times.
Today's Poetic License comes to us from Quetzani Montaño Sevilla, who sings us an original composition, accompanied by her guitar.
And as we celebrate National Poetry Month, host Tim Hernandez shares a touching story of how poetry touched one young teen's life.
Some of the music in today's show is performed by today's guest, Elijah Burrell: "Behind That Locked Door" and "Mansion on the Hill."
Aired April 12, 2015.